Taming Tantrums and Tears: Helping Kids Navigate Big Emotions with Claire Lerner

Claire Lerner is an internationally recognized child development and parenting expert with more than three decades of experience in education and direct practice. She partners with parents to help them solve their most vexing childrearing challenges by guiding them through the detective work to decode the meaning of their children’s behavior. Together, she and the parents identify the root cause of the problems they are struggling with. This insight enables her to come up with effective strategies that help parents thread the sometimes seemingly elusive needle of being the loving, connected moms and dads they want to be while setting the limits and boundaries kids need to learn to self-regulate, to build resilience, and to be able to manage life’s expectations, frustrations, and disappointments. Find out more about her services here: https://www.lernerchilddevelopment.com/

Early Childhood Chats is hosted by Andrew Roszak - JD, MPA, EMT-P

Executive Director at the Institute for Childhood Preparedness. The Institute for Childhood Preparedness is proud to use its decades of experience to offer comprehensive and expert disaster and emergency preparedness trainings live in-person, via webinar, and on-demand online.

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Taming Tantrums and Tears: Helping Kids Navigate Big Emotions with Claire Lerner
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